Atenção, isto não é uma banda cover!!!
The Crimson Jazz Trio (http://www.crimsonjazztrio.com), formada pelo ex-baterista do KC Ian Wallace (Islands, Earthbound) acompanhado pelos ótimos Jody Nardone, pianista e Tim Landers no baixo, selecionou algumas obras-primas do King Crimson (mas afinal, o que não é obra-prima no repertório do KC, sorry!) e deu-lhes uma roupagem jazzística. Tudo com muito bom gosto e extrema competência. Eu gostei muito.
Quem gostou também foi nada menos do que Robert "King Crimson" Fripp. Sim, ele mesmo!!! Em seu diário, ele fez os seguintes comentários que reproduzo abaixo:
"Friday, 1st.July, 2005 17.56
Listening of the afternoon: The King Crimson Songbook: Volume 1 by The Crimson Jazz Trio.
First response: yes! Second response: can't wait for Volume 2.
Very, very few players have covered King Crimson repertoire and no-one of prominence (other than The Schizoid Band and Andrew Keeling's orchestral arrangements) has attempted more than one or two pieces. There have been honourable renditions & representations but, until now, without significantly adding to my understanding of Crimson material.
The CJ3 have respectfully & irreverently taken 8 Crimson classics, repositioned them in the musical spectrum, and delivered their first Songbook with superb musicianship in service to wit & invention. I have heard, as if for the first time, Schizoid, TOAPP, Catfood, Starless, Ladies Of The Road, I Talk To The Wind, Red & Matte Kudasai.
Ian Wallace provides personal hotline & Crimson-juice authority to the Trio, although anyone unfamiliar with Ian's jazz passion & experience may be surprised by what is going on here. O for a shabby & smoke-free jazz club to sit back & savour The CJ3 in living sonic colour. O for someone to persuade Ian, Jody Nardone & Tim Landers to climb into the back of a van and travel."
Bom, se ele aprovou, acho que seus seguidores devem gostar também. Experimente!
Em tempo: O Volume 2 estava praticamente pronto quando Ian nos deixou, em fevereiro de 2007. Grande perda.
1. 21st Century Schizoid Man (Fripp, McDonald, Lake, Giles, Sinfield)
2. Three of a Perfect Pair
(Belew, Bruford, Fripp, Levin)
3. Catfood (Fripp, Sinfield, McDonald)
4. Starless (Cross, Fripp, Wetton, Bruford, Palmer-James)
5. Ladies of the Road (Fripp, Sinfield)
6. I Talk to the Wind (McDonald, Sinfield)
7. Red (Fripp)
8. Matte Kudasai (Belew, Bruford, Fripp, Levin)
Ian Wallace - drumset
Jody Nardone - acoustic grand piano
Tim Landers - fretless bass guitar
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